Your donations help bring 8-week programs, 2-day intensives, and meditations classes to shelters, community centers, and non-profits around Atlanta.
Any and all donations help keep our programs running at shelters, community centers, and non-profits around Atlanta. We gratefully and whole-heartedly accept anything you have to offer.
If you would like to fully sponsor a program, please inquire about costs before donating.
Whether you're a mindfulness facilitator, yoga instructor, or just someone who feels the value in helping others, we are happy to accept help in the most unlikely of ways.
Feel free to reach out with anything you have in mind - we would LOVE to hear from you!
Recommend an organization or community in need.
We are always looking to expand our horizons on communities, organizations, and groups where mindfulness practices would be of great benefit. If you have a place in mind, please, send them our way. We'll reach out and see how we may be of service.